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Our Foodie Mommy "Chef" is a loyal customer of Grapes & Olives
OnTap and writes a weekly post for us. She has so many creative ways of using our products to make tastier meals for healthier lives for her family. Check out these past posts and watch for upcoming ones on our Facebook page!

Foodie Mommy Chef's Ideas

The Next "Avocado" Toast

"I like toast. Hearty bread, golden-hued, soft crunchy toast. If I wake up hungry in the middle of the night, toast is my go-to. That said, this wonderful, easy, delicious...

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Bacon Ribbons

"I stopped eating pork when I was 7 years old. No bologna, no sausage, no chops, no bacon. Done. While I've never missed eating it, I do like the smell...

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Summer Parfait

"It's too hot to make dinner, so just make dessert. My mom would have never done this when I was young, but I find it to be fun and silly...

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Cannellini's, not Cowboys

"Beans, beans, natures 'fruit', the more you eat the more get the idea. Seems like there was a baked bean rage 20 years ago that was called Cowboy beans....

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Spring Green and Olives

"Chapter 9: I am quite certain there is an inherent rule that we are born knowing: if you eat olives, eat them off the tips of your fingers. Growing up,...

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Lemage or Orangon

"Who doesn't love a good mash-up? Potatoes? Avocado? Chocolate and raspberry? Champagne and berries? Check, check and check. I don't have much story to tell this week, except the cooks...

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Hasselback Sweet Potatoes With Herbs

“Chapter 5: Sweet and Special Potato. Do you think special? Boring? Unlimited possibilities? When I was growing up, if there were mashed potatoes on the table....the perfectly riced and mixed,...

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Games and Grub

"The stories we know, the stories we tell are who we are and perhaps, who we strive to be. Stories have intention and value. Our food tells stories too, they...

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Spinach-Artichoke Dip

"You are never too old to have another goal or dream a new dream." - C.S. Lewis "Happy Holiday Season GO-fans! I'll keep this quick, as we are all busy....

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"Accept that some days you're the pigeon and some days you're the statue." - Roger Anderson "Lately I am certain I've been more statue than bird and thus, I need...

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Cherry Balsamic Jubilee

"Great things are done by a series of small things put together." - Van Gogh "Ice cream, cherries, GO balsamic and chocolate shavings. Small things make great things. GO fans,...

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Sunshine Slushie

"Summer is like a fresh glass of lemonade. You want to drink it fast, but you want it to last forever." - Unknown "August? Already? As we think about kids...

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Southwestern Corn Salad

"I'm a little cornstalk tall and stout, see me grow and watch me sprout. When I'm brown, you can shuck me down. Boil me up and I'm the best in...

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Sweet Surprises

" Sometimes it ends up different and it is better that way " - Unknown" I know this simple sweet treat looks like a plain chocolate coated strawberry, but there...

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Spring on a Plate

"Spring is nature's way of saying 'Let's Party'". - Robin Williams "Isn't this a pretty springy-colored plate of food? I love these colors and the fresh feeling I get by...

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Oh, The Mystery. Oh, The Possibility

"Here's the teaser....what can olive oil, balsamic, red grapes and whole grain mustard have in common? The answer, my G& O friends, is a rather interesting, umami-on-the-palate surprise. There is...

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Grown-Up Pizza Bread

" I can't turn water into wine, but I can turn pizza into breakfast ". - Unknown " Luckily, with GO-On Tap and some of your favorite ingredients, you can...

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Happy Appetizers

" Take it easy, but take it." - Woody Guthrie "As I've said before, this time of year is hectic. We can all use an easy button, or six. I've...

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Surprise Me!

"Show me something beautiful. Say something meaningful. Be compassionate. Be thoughtful. Be kind. Be elegant in a world forgetting how. Go on....surprise me. I love good surprises. This idea probably...

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"Why did the mushroom get invited to all the great parties? - Because it was a fungi (fun guy). You are going to want to take these fungi to all...

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Spicy Deception

"You've heard it all....'don't judge a book by its cover', 'If you don't like the heat, get out of the kitchen', 'Variety is the spice of life'. Well, this rings...

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Iced Herb Cubes

"Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now". - Alan Lakein "This idea came to me in an odd way. Right...

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Galette Up and GO

" Summertime and the living is easy." - George Gershwin "Ah, Summertime. Sweet, easy Summertime. I hope you are all staying cool, making great easy meals with GO-On Tap naturally...

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" Good food. Good fun. Family and sun. Life's simple pleasures." - Unknown "Hello Summer. Hello to picnics, beaches, outdoor dining, get-togethers and easy, tasty food. When Summer rolls in,...

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Caprese Galette

"I never met a color I didn't like " - Dale Chihuly (renowned glass artist) "I bet Mr. Chihuly approves of the colors in this tasty treat. If you follow...

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Onion Jam

"It is hard to imagine a civilization without onions". - Julia Child   "Julia is right. The world needs onions. I've caramelized plenty but never made a sweeter, easy, 'jammy'...

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"Hump" Day Dinner Solution

"It's Wednesday....and again you ask yourself, "What's for dinner"? Well, I ask myself that too and tonight, it's Grapes and Olives On-Tap with every meal item. This is a GO...

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Zucchini, Olives & Orange

"I like it when good unexpected things happen". -  Unknown   "This might sound like an unexpected combo of ingredients, but it is a good unexpected. I know green olives and orange...

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