S for Coconut-Lemon Slushy
“The best way to pay for a lovely moment is to enjoy it”. - Richard Bach (author)
The best way to enjoy a hot day is with a cool, slushy drink. This is fast and easy GO friends. It is refreshing, bright and evokes feelings of happiness. I made this very easy, if you choose, you can make it with more ingredients and time. I bought a mix for a frozen coconut concoction, added coconut milk, ice, GO-On Tap lemon white balsamic and GO-On Tap coconut white balsamic. I blended this all together, poured into a pretty glass with a lemon wedge and done. I sat happy, cooled and envisioned vacations of the past. Add rum if it suits you or a drop of GO-On Tap raspberry or Bordeaux cherry balsamic just on top. For fun you can drop a sugar cube into vodka, plop it on top of your drink and light with a match (the alcohol will burn off quickly and the small flame will die out, this is just fun). Add some sunny tunes and you have a little Aloha luau on your deck. Both the sunny lemon and the coconut GO balsamic add a nice tang and heart to this chilled refresher. Make this. Sit outdoors. Call or ZOOM your friends on the phone and enjoy the moment. Honor your appetite. Play with your food.”